
'As you read the rest of this chapter and this book, read with an open mind and an open heart. Do not struggle with the concepts--the information here is not intended to simply add to your warehouse of knowledge. Be like the earth. When the rain comes, the earth simply opens up to the rain and soaks it all in. Allow the wisdom in this book to nurture the seeds that lie deep in the soil of your consciousness so that they can sprout and mature into the transformative energies of mindfulness and insight. A teacher cannot give you truth. The truth is already in you. A teacher can only offer you the chance to awaken your true self. Enlightenment, peace, and joy will not be granted by someone else. The well is within us, And if we dig deeply in the present moment, The water will spring forth.' -"Savor" by Thich Nhat Hanh
I'm taking a break from "Eating Animals" it is very disturbing.  I will pick it up again soon.  I just started another book "Savor" by Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Lilian Cheung.  It is about mindful eating and mindful life.



November 1, 2010 I became a vegetarian. This was my first Thanksgiving without turkey and I feel good about it. The 31st of October I was up late online. I started by searching organic food and watching videos about nutrition on youtube. That led me to Alicia Silverstone's "The Kind Life". I then watched a video of a book signing she did, she spoke about veganism and how it has changed her life. She has been a vegan for 11 years now. She also spoke briefly about macrobiotics. I was inspired by her. I started researching veganism more and stumbled upon a book signing by Jonathan Safran Foer, author of "Eating Animals". That night I watched videos on animal cruelty and the truth about factory farming. I saw the horrible things being done to all sorts of animals. I am so appalled at what is allowed to happen to these helpless animals.  I have now decided that it is finally time for me to change my life and take action towards what I am passionate about. 
I have just started reading "Eating Animals" so far it is very informative and well researched.  I can't wait to finish it!

It's been a while!



Tonight was Avas first time in a highchair...at first she didn't like it but she got used to it...I can't believe that she already fits in her highchair!!! We also got the web cams working today! I really wish that I was in NY and not doing the web cam this weekend but I will get up there soon hopefully!!! I miss everyone soooo much and I can't wait to see u guys!! Love u always~Kate


back to "normal"

soon life won't be as crazy as it has been....no one knows how much i am looking forward to that! i can't wait to have my life back to its so called normal...every day Ava cheers me up and makes me forget about everything that has been bothering me...i love her for everything she does for me!